You may have heard about the national Do Not Call registry that allows you to avoid calls from telemarketers. Just register your phone number at and after 30 days the “scam likely” calls should end.
But what happens if a loved one falls ill or passes away and they weren’t on the Do Not Call registry?
Fortunately, there are options for caregivers and family members that don’t want to be burdened by telemarketers after a loved one passes away.
Registering for the Deceased Do Not Contact List
With the Do Not Call registry some third parties like charity groups and political organizations can still contact you by phone, but that’s not the case with the Deceased Do Not Contact list. Commercial businesses and nonprofit organizations are included.
All members of the Data & Marketing Association (DMA) must adhere to the do not contact regulations regardless of what they do. This rule has been in place since 2005. If a business contacts your loved one’s phone or email 30 days after registering you can report the member for violating the regulation.
The Deceased Do Not Contact list also requires that your loved one’s physical address and email address be removed so you should receive less junk mail and spam as well.
How to Register for the Do Not Contact List
A friend, relative or caretaker can enter information for the Deceased Do Not Contact list at You’ll have to provide the person’s name and physical address as well as the date of their death and how old they were at the time of their death.
You’ll also have to provide the following personal information:
- Your name
- How you are related to the deceased
- Your email address
Registering online is the fastest method, but you can also request to have a name added to the list by mail. Instructions for registering by mail can also be found on the DDNC website.
What Happens After Registering
The DMA will put the deceased individual’s information in a special file for Deceased Do Not Contact purposes. An updated file is released monthly for members and non-members to access. Members must remove the deceased’s name, phone number, email address and physical address from marketing campaigns. All other identifiable information must also be removed.
The goal is for there to be no more contact from DMA members within 30 days of registering, but it could take up to three months.
Registering for the Do Not Contact for Caretaker’s List
There’s another option for caretakers with a loved one who isn’t on the Do Not Call list. Caretakers can request that the name and contact information of a person under their care be removed from the marketing lists of businesses. To do so you have to register for the Do Not Contact for Caretaker’s list.
Signing up for this list is very similar to the Deceased Do Not Contact list. Provide as much information about the person in your care as possible. In addition to your basic personal information, you’ll also want to answer the yes/no questions.
If this option is used you shouldn’t have to sign up for the Deceased Do Not Contact registry in the future. You can register for the Do Not Contact for Caretaker’s list for free at
The helpful team at Green Cremation Texas is prepared to walk you through the process so that you have the support you need. Give us a call anytime of day or night to get answers to your questions about making arrangements, the green cremation process and handling affairs after the death of a loved one.