Since our founding, Green Cremation Texas has been dedicated to providing state residents with more funeral options beyond the standard services that are far from eco-friendly and extremely expensive. We strive to be innovators in the funeral industry that offer alternatives for individuals and families that don’t want to settle for conventional services because that’s all they have available.
Green Cremation Texas is among the few providers that have expanded the options and made it possible for families to arrange water cremations. Water cremation, also known as alkaline hydrolysis, is a very energy efficient form of body disposition that doesn’t produce air, water or ground pollution. It’s also much safer since no flames are involved.
As more states legalize the practice, more Texans wonder why water cremation isn’t available to them. What’s worse is many Texans don’t even realize water cremation exists, and a small minority wants it to stay that way. But Live Free Die Free Texas is a new resource that can change all that.
Bringing Disposition Awareness to Texas
Live Free Die Free Texas is helping spread awareness about body disposition options and how the state is falling behind most of the country. Keeping Texans informed about their funeral service options is the top priority.
The supporters of Live Free, Die Free Texas understand that many people are only familiar with traditional burial and cremation. Because they lack knowledge about alternative services, those people end up selecting one of the two options, even if it isn’t necessarily what they’d prefer.
In addition to general knowledge about water cremation, Live Free Die Free Texas also keeps residents informed on the latest legislation impacting body disposition. You can find details on Senate Bill 105 (S.B. 105) and H.B. 2895, both of which would update the state definition of cremation to include water cremation. S.B. 105 was filed by Senator Nathan Johnson in late 2022 and has already been discussed at a March 7, 2023 committee hearing. Representative Ann Johnson of Harris County filed H.B. 2895 on February 27, 2023.
While it is promising to have not one but two bills on water cremation currently being considered in Texas, there’s still a lot to be done before everyone has access to all of their disposition options.
Helping Families Influence Change in the Texas Funeral Industry
Another part of Live Free Die Free Texas’ mission is to help state residents be heard. Every day we talk with frustrated families that can’t believe they are confined to a limited number of disposition choices. They are the ones that have to sacrifice because a small group of people think the option shouldn’t exist for anyone.
There’s no fairness in that, and it goes against Texas’ proud heritage of freedom, whether it be in life or death.
If you’re one of the Texans who believe there needs to be more options in the funeral industry, then use the power of the pen. You can show your support through the Live Free Die Free Texas online petition. Signing the petition gives you a voice on the matter. Once you sign the petition you’ll send a clear message to the state legislature that Texans want change. They want the same freedom to choose their final disposition just like more than half the country.
Would you like to know more about how water cremation works? Green Cremation Texas is here to provide you with all of the information you need, including how we make water cremation available to families in TX. You can contact us via email, text or phone any time of day or night.